My life as me

It's All About Me

It's All About Me
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Contact Me
My Family
Good Charlotte
Let There Be Pease On Earth
Teen Titans
song words and other crap


miss jackson is multilplying, run for cover
beware they are trying to fool us by using different names so b careful


queen of the underworld
thats me

i rule and u no it

peace dudes
ha sum people think im vein but they haven't meet my sister stacy yet have they then


name:  Whitney Robyn Loise Johnson
also called: whit-skid, whit, huston and madison
family: mum, dad, 3 sisters(kimbo, stacky angel and tish), and a li'l brother (wes)
colour: blue
food: pizza, chinese, chips and cake, its all good
music: mainly rock  like good charlotte and linkin park
described best as: pure evil
instruments i play: violin, drums and gurtiar

If we all believe in heaven maybe we'll make it through one more year down here