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Let There Be Pease On Earth
Teen Titans
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the teen titans are the best super heros ever along with the x-men and spiderman of corse

robin is the leader of the teen titans, althougth he has no super powers of his own. he relays on his good speed, super smart brain and a fully aquipted utillaty belt, to kick some bad guy butt.



starfire is the pease keeper of the group. she is from another plant called tameran and is totally clueless to do with anything about earth. she may look like a week little alien girl, but her super strength could proberley take down super man, and her powerful starbolts and beams from her eyes you don't want to get on her bad side.


raven is a mystirous charcter, she likes to keep more to herself. she usally has her nose in a book and is anouyed alot by beastboy, but although she might not show it all the time her friends do mean alot to her. raven is darker then the others and some would say creepy, but she is just not understood. raven too is not from this planet but she unlike star is more aware of what to expect from our planet. raven i would say is probery the most powerful out of the teen titans. she has telekinettic powers- moveing things with her mind, levitating, walking through walls and stuff like that.


beastboy is the joker of the group, he's a skrankerly green shapshifter. beastboy can turn into any animal he wants from an ant to a tiger. beastboy is a vegetarian, because well you name any meat he's been it. kinda like eating himself in a way. beastboy is a fun charcter and is always there to crack a dumb joke.


cyborg is half man half machine. he was in an accedent which changed his life for ever, but that does not bother him cyborg is all a bout the futre. cyborg is a dream er after all he did make the t car and t ship/ sub. cyborg is like walking talking wepon which can be so totally cool but not so great sometimes which is something that cyborg has learned to live with. cyborg always has time to quick robins are bb's ass on the playstation.

my fav bad guys



jinx, is a member of the hive accademeny a school for gifted studnets, to teach them a life of crime. her powers are bad luck for the enimey



blackfire is stars big sister, blakfire came to earth to frame starfire for all the crimes that she did.



<img src="" border="0" alt="Your Raven"><br>Raven
<br><br><a href=""> <font size="-1">Which Teen Titan Are You?</font></a><BR> <font size="-3">brought to you by <a href="">Quizilla</a></font>

If we all believe in heaven maybe we'll make it through one more year down here