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3 sisters, piper, paige and phobe, all witches, together they make the power of three a great power of good. defending the world from evil demons and worlocks is a 24 hour job.

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Piper - Holly Marie Combs


Born: june 7th,1973, san fansisco, california
powers: molecular stasis - it slows down molecules so much that they are frozen, it only lasts 4 a limited time.   Molecular Combustion - this power speeds up molecules of an object so much that it explodes.
Sweet, down to earth, funny even in times of danger, empathic(not like phoebe) and always suffering in the hands of love. piper is now the oldest sister and is best at making potions.

Phoebe - Alyssa Miloano


Born: november 2nd, 1975, san fransisco, california
Powers: premonition - the abilitiy to see into the future and past. levitation - abitily to defy gravity. empathy - able to feel wot others feel.
free-spirited, imaginative and rebellious. phoebe has never wanted to give up her powers like the others, even when they first got them and was disappointed about not having a more dynamic power, she is best as writing spells.

Paige - Rose McGowan


Born: august 2nd, 1977, san fransisco, california
Powers: piage is half whitelighter so she has some of their abilitys. she also has telekinetic orbing - when she calls 4 something it appears in the parm of her hand in blue lights or 2 the direction she wants.
half witch, half whitelighter, piage was the little, long lost half-sister of the charmed ones. the daughter of patty all of thems mum and her whitelighter, sam.


leo was the girls whitelighter, until season 6, when he became an elder, then chris became there whitelighter.  he is also married to piper, they got devoiced in season 6 because he became an elder.
his powers as a whitelighter are: healing others but not self, glamouring - to look like someone else, orbing - to transport yourself some where else, reconsitution - can rebuild self if blown to peices.


Chris - Drew fuller
Born: june 16th, 2004, san fansisco, california
Parents: leo and piper
Powers: telekinesis - moving things with mind. telekinetic orbing and some whitelighter abilitys
cris suddenly appeared during an attack saving phoebe.he claims to be from about 20 years from the future and is there to help them fight the  titians


a prophecy has foretold that wyatt halliwell, son of piper halliwell and leo wyatt, is the most powerful, magical being to come into the magical world.
his powers are: orbing, healing, summoning, forcefield and generation. we have not yet seen all of his powers.


Darryl morris
morris remains as a true  friend and served as a source of police information, to the sisters. he covers up for them when they may have killed a suspect that happened to be a demon, he keeps there secret about witches.


Prue - shannen doherty
Born: october ??, 1971,  san fransisco, california
Died: 2001
Powers: telekinesis and astral projection - allows your spirt to move to another place while your body is left in a coma like stasis.
practical, leavel headed, indendent and hot tempered. prue was my least fav charcter. she is the only one that could make pipers wedding, a day thats meant to be all about piper, all about her. in season 3 she was killed by shax the souce of all evils assassin. she was the 'super witch' now piage is considered the super witch.


the first episode with Chris in, when they become Gods





The many looks of alyssa miloano









If we all believe in heaven maybe we'll make it through one more year down here