My life as me

My Family

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My Family
Good Charlotte
Let There Be Pease On Earth
Teen Titans
song words and other crap

A bit a bout my family



my oldest sister, 20 years old, moved out, and now is pregnat
fav colour green
loves pizza, cake, burgars, chicken, pancakes, mcdonalds
dob: 27/ 9/ 84


Stacy(stacky angel and stay-c the lyricel mc)

18 years old but acts like shes 9, shes a mecanic appereants
so loves good charlotte so if u dis u'll b dead
fav colour blue
dob: 31/ 8/ 86



16 years old, collage student
she went from a goody two shoes to the worst out of us all
but she can keep a secret
fav colour lilic/ pink
dob: 8/ 3/ 88



the only boy and the youngest, 6 years old
likes football and golf
can b the most anouying person in the world
but if u hurt him ur dead
dob: 8/ 6/ 98


titi pronuced t,t
the best cat ever, loves to dance to yellowcard. his fav place is in the chair in the garage.
age 3
died: 2nd oct 2004


Baby Joe
kimberleys baby, born the 3rd october 2004
weight: 8oz 6

If we all believe in heaven maybe we'll make it through one more year down here